目前分類:哇細菜英文 (24)

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  • Mar 27 Sun 2011 23:00
  • 好友文章 Joke

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似乎一直在學新單字, 但似乎也一直在忘單字,

還是只能結結巴巴, 講著簡單的句子(揰牆),

想好好做一本英文筆記, 試過用寫的、用打的, 都不持久,

常常不到5天, 就忘記放在哪裡, 哪天又想到, 就重來一本,


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  • Jun 18 Thu 2009 16:30

There is no excuse for not having TOEIC test after a year later.

I shall definitely do it by the end of this year.

I choose 22nd, Nov and I can prepare it for five months then.

Scarla and Anita, do you want to join me? haha...^^


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ETS台灣區代表針對多益測驗考生所做的「TOEIC考生應考經驗調查」統計結果顯示,有超過七成以上的上班族認為多益700分以上才能在目前的職位上游刃有餘,甚至有18%的上班族認為905~990的多益成績在職場上才有真正的競爭力。目前,部 份國內大專院校面對極大的招生壓力,在訂定英語大學畢業標準時,多半從寬從低,許多科技大學的一般科系用多益350分作為畢業門檻,應用外語系用多益550分作為畢業門檻,這些要求與產業需求是有相當大的差距,也是形成目前大學生就業競爭力不強的原因之一。

根據中華人力 資源協會與美國教育測驗服務社(ETS)2007年所做的「台灣產業員工英語能力需求標準調查報告」指出,台灣企業員工的英語能力多半要求在多益500分以上,可是2008年臺灣大專多益考生約有八萬人,其中多益成績超過500分者僅四萬人,ETS台灣區代表王星威推估,全國超過百萬的大專學生英語能力 ,在五百分以上者,應該不超過十萬人,也就是90%的大專生英語能力不能夠到達企業英語能力要求的標準,這既是企業找不到適用人才,也是大學生畢業即失業的一個重要原因。

台灣專業英語文學會理事長陳英輝指出,行政院除了推動專業外語職能訓練課程,特別強化醫療、觀光 業及服務業從業人員的專業語文能力外,也應將目前科技大學應外系以培育英語教師與英語翻譯人才為導向的策略,轉型為配合各校專業特色的專業英語系所,例如觀光加英語系、醫療服務加英語系所等,或採用專業英語學程制、或採用輔修、雙聯學位制,更能配合各個產業國際化策略,培育出業界所需要的特定國際專業人才。

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My star sign is Sagittarius. star sign = sun sign = sign of the Zodiac = constellation

to be dedicated to sb:

tend to: have two different meaning - usually or care for.

impulse(n), impulsive(adj)


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I think three or four people will be the proper number to hold a conversation class. We'll have more opportunities to speak. Even though, 2hrs are still not good enough. I wish we can get less people but more time after this term.

Today, we are talking about our ideal company and boss. My ideal company is to work with smart colleagues. They don't need to be very friendly. I mean if we are just colleague. Please don't pretend that we are good friends then. The most important thing is only to be fair and to focus on positive.

I am very lucky to have the greatest mentor in my current job. She is a generous person that willing to share her knowledge to everyone. She thinks a lot and does homework to analyze every situation or issue for her job. And she thanks for those opportunities that make her knows better. In the end, she really learned a lot.
The best thing is that she still can be very humble and do introspect herself all the time. She hardly ever criticizes people because she believes everyone has their own opinions and you can not think only by one side. She has a very great EQ. She do gets a higher evaluation in any way. And I would love to work with her forever and ever. better - I would love to work for her as a subordinate staff.

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I should learn from Anita that not just answer questions. But to be more relaxing to chat with Philip.
To make a sentence, not only answer a vocabulary. Remember, short answer is very rude.

Today we are practicing functional conversation about receiving phone complaint. We should choose our words carefully as we are negative speakers. We often make an abrupt answer(short and quick answer) when we get nervous. It's very rude to foreigners. so, we should always add "please".
And we must avoid confrontation - stay away from you or your. always focus on the issue, not person. And always stretch your sentence. You can use modal verb to make polite sentences, especially past modal.
And then when we deal with phone complaint. We should defuse the situation. The basic tricks are escalate or defer.

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鼠 Rat
牛 Ox
虎 Tiger
兔 Hare
龍 Dragon

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I really love my English teacher's accent.

In our first two classes, we make a temperament sorter.
Which our teacher can know better to us and he can decide how to teach us.
We also can find out who our classmates are and to get along with them easier. 
And there is no one get the same type with me - 

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I am going to take some notes after my weekly lesson.

we often make below errors -
1. tenses
2. collocations
3. s(s with the verb or the noun)

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為因應各項成本上升因素,特公告自20081 1日起,調整多益測驗公開考報名費(報名期間自




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Tenure is an uncountable noun.
1) the right to stay permanently in a teaching job.
2) <formal> the period of time when someone has an important job.

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Question: 可以馬上解決的問題
e.g. It is an question of raising more funding and we must talk about it now.

Problem: 不是馬上可以解決的問題
e.g. How to prevent forest fires is a knotty problem.

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Just watched "Good Luck Chuck". Oh, nooooo content. T.T
To me, the actor is not a good-look guy. In the beginning, he looks like he just follows what his friend says that he is doing a right thing to help women finding true love. But truth is he just likes an animal which only wants to get f...(sorry)
And all the 笑點 are around the clumsy actress who did everything wrong and hurt herself. 
It's fun but nothing more. I do like Jessica Alba. She is cute and sexy. I just don't understand this movie.
And then again the actor drives me crazy when he does 白目行為, in order to keeps her around. 

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昨天本來有免費的Good Luck Chuck可看,
不過因為種種原因, 最後沒有拿到票, 
於是乎, 我就自己看了The Nanny Diaries,

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* one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, 
twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred, thousand, million.


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September 3rd
civil (adj)
   * only before none
   * relating to the people who live in a country.
   * civil war / disturbance / unrest etc: fighting etc between different groups of people living in the same country.

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  • Aug 24 Fri 2007 02:00

TOEIC is an acronym for "Test of English for International Communication"

Prepare for TOEIC

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  • Aug 22 Wed 2007 23:00
  • Fabric

cotton 棉
rayon 嫘縈(人造絲)
polyester 聚酯纖維
spandex 彈性纖維
nylon 尼龍

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