I am going to take some notes after my weekly lesson.
we often make below errors -
1. tenses
2. collocations
3. s(s with the verb or the noun)
4. proper nouns(in most of the time we don't add "the" in front of proper noun)
5. article(a, an, the)
under the belt: means s/o had good experience in the past and it may be useful to s/o in the future.
so I can say that I had 10 years experience of document control under my belt.
(1) below the belt means unfair.
(2) under sb's hat means to keep it secret.
(3) under sb's thumb means to be controlled by sb.
(4) under the weather means uncomfortable. Maybe only have a bit headache or catch a cold.
I forgot some of vocabularies:
enthusiastic(adj): enthusiastic about s/t
enthusiasm(n): do s/t with enthusiasm
we should say: I like tourism. not I like travel.
new vocaburary:
Grammar: I graduated from Milan University in 1998, and I have for years' exprience working
in customer services in companies in Italy and Great Britain.
→working exprience always use present tense; he had an accident - always use past tense. Last year I have implemented a new system to deal with customer complains
which has been extremely successful.
→只有一件事, 所以不用過去完成式
Past perfect 過去完成式:
1.基本原則是同一個句子裡, 在過去發生了2件事, 發生在前面的事件使用過去完成式, 後面的事件用過去式,
過去完成式通常不會獨立造句, 除非與「for + 一段時間」或「since + 過去式/過去時間」併用,
2.過去完成式還會用在 if 子句(假設語氣, 形容與過去事實相反的事),
但, 若要形容與現在事實相反的事, 則要用過去式(不太了),
再, 若是假設可能發生的事或表示條件, 則使用現在式。
所以, 一樣是同一個句子裡有2件事, 當主事件尚未發生(未來式), 則if子句用現在式,
當主事件正在發生(現在式), 但次事件不會發生時, if子句用過去式,
又, 主事件已經發生(過去式), 而次事件未發生時, if子句用過去完成式,
看起來就是主事件的時態, 再退一格就是if子句的時態。