這天下午四點半, 我們在忠孝東路上晃來晃去, 因為這個尷尬的時間, 店家大部份都在休息,

但是嬌縱的我(們)又不想隨便被陽春麵打發, 對啦, 又是我一直在吵著要吃肉,

好加在鍋大王沒有休息, 另一頭的鍋大爺因為我上個月已經試過, 這次就放他一條生路XD

自助區有一點小, 還好我們是在尷尬的四點半進來用餐, 沒有發生搶食物的場面~


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My star sign is Sagittarius. star sign = sun sign = sign of the Zodiac = constellation

to be dedicated to sb:

tend to: have two different meaning - usually or care for.

impulse(n), impulsive(adj)


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  • 這篇文章限定好友觀看。

這個月只有18個工作天, 本月重點擺在消除遲到天數上, 不可以再增加天數了!

如果超過10分, 就加5天, 以示公平!(啥, 耍賴的很明顯嗎? 別降嘛0fbbf481.gif )
沒辦法, 因為知道自己已經彈性疲乏了, 再不給自己一點空間, 就要走到放棄邊緣了... 

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食物 - 洪瑞珍、地瓜酥、阿瑞官饅頭叔叔,

衣服 - JJSBeauty Life、拉蕊,

其他 - 日本陶瓷菜刀, 隱形眼鏡

不跟 - 依蕾特布丁、蜂蜜柚子茶、橙蜜香小蕃茄、酒瓶傘/水壺傘、Plaza保養品、自動開收折傘、大頭原子筆、得倫海苔

以上只是四月的團, 感覺好像不是來上班的, 因為每天都會帶一堆有的沒的回家, ㄎㄎ...

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  • 這篇文章限定好友觀看。

I think three or four people will be the proper number to hold a conversation class. We'll have more opportunities to speak. Even though, 2hrs are still not good enough. I wish we can get less people but more time after this term.

Today, we are talking about our ideal company and boss. My ideal company is to work with smart colleagues. They don't need to be very friendly. I mean if we are just colleague. Please don't pretend that we are good friends then. The most important thing is only to be fair and to focus on positive.

I am very lucky to have the greatest mentor in my current job. She is a generous person that willing to share her knowledge to everyone. She thinks a lot and does homework to analyze every situation or issue for her job. And she thanks for those opportunities that make her knows better. In the end, she really learned a lot.
The best thing is that she still can be very humble and do introspect herself all the time. She hardly ever criticizes people because she believes everyone has their own opinions and you can not think only by one side. She has a very great EQ. She do gets a higher evaluation in any way. And I would love to work with her forever and ever. better - I would love to work for her as a subordinate staff.

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今天下課W來接我, 剛好也是吃飯時間, 鈦金卡現在有2人同行1人免費的優惠,
而且從新店到信義區很快, 於是決定驅車前往WASABI,
真的很快, 我都還沒睡著, 就已經下到停車場了@@"
101現在沒RL可逛, 所以到了就直接坐電梯上四樓,
禮拜天沒有很多人, 不會有搶食物的Fu~ That is good!

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Day 60  2009/4/1(週三)

  • 本日飲食:早餐/怡客的燻里肌三明治1/2(200大卡)+大拿(90大卡);午餐/生魷魚米粉(360大卡);零食/小的士力架*3(273大卡);晚餐/燻里肌三明治1/2(134大卡)+大燕麥片5匙(166大卡)+化應子*1(15大卡) (晚餐10pm吃完)宵夜/滷味: 四季豆+菜頭+豆包+瘦肉+雞胗(400→600大卡) (宵夜2:20am吃完)
  • 本日運動:無
  • 本日作息:8:56 不遲到大作戰, 倒數44天
  • 體重紀錄:48.1kg (比前前日少1.1kg, -2.1kg)
  • 體脂紀錄:20.2% (比前前日少1%)
  • 減肥基金:16836+1750-1838=16748
  • 檢討筆記:好累ㄚ@@"

Day 61  2009/4/2(週四)

  • 本日飲食:早餐/怡客的現烤三明治1/2(200大卡)+大拿(90大卡);午餐/怡客的燻里肌三明治1/2(185大卡);零食/黑糖老薑*1(45大卡)+茶葉蛋(75大卡)+芭樂1盒(110大卡)+旺旺4包(110大卡);晚餐/紅燒牛肉麵(570大卡)+雞翅+芋頭球+酒(300大卡) (晚餐10pm吃完)
  • 本日運動:無
  • 本日作息:8:56 不遲到大作戰, 倒數43天
  • 體重紀錄:48.7kg (比前一日多0.6kg, -1.5kg)
  • 體脂紀錄:21% (比前一日多0.8%)
  • 減肥基金:16748+1750-1685=16813
  • 檢討筆記:略

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  • 這篇文章限定好友觀看。

I should learn from Anita that not just answer questions. But to be more relaxing to chat with Philip.
To make a sentence, not only answer a vocabulary. Remember, short answer is very rude.

Today we are practicing functional conversation about receiving phone complaint. We should choose our words carefully as we are negative speakers. We often make an abrupt answer(short and quick answer) when we get nervous. It's very rude to foreigners. so, we should always add "please".
And we must avoid confrontation - stay away from you or your. always focus on the issue, not person. And always stretch your sentence. You can use modal verb to make polite sentences, especially past modal.
And then when we deal with phone complaint. We should defuse the situation. The basic tricks are escalate or defer.

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鼠 Rat
牛 Ox
虎 Tiger
兔 Hare
龍 Dragon

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  • Mar 24 Tue 2009 14:00
  • 椰林

記一下我們家牙醫看診的時間, 不然臨時要看牙的時候, 網路上都找不到門診時間= =|||


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因為一直找不到我的睫毛夾, 昨天臨時起意想燙睫毛,

第一個就想到喬安家介紹的Mini, 之前就蠻喜歡Mini的風格, 有想要跟她學彩妝課,

不過, 先到工作室看看本人再決定比較好, 決定先試試燙睫毛,

剛好今天放假想說碰碰運氣吧, 萬一今天約不成, 下禮拜我也放假, 可以再接再厲!(整個就很隨性XD)

我的隨性是說自己的時間可以隨性安排啦, 我有先看過mini的工作安排上沒有3/20, 才決定要臨時約的,

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I really love my English teacher's accent.

In our first two classes, we make a temperament sorter.
Which our teacher can know better to us and he can decide how to teach us.
We also can find out who our classmates are and to get along with them easier. 
And there is no one get the same type with me - 

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